BRACE YOURSELVES!!!  We have found the mother-of-ALL-make-up websites!! Why, oh, why would we be sharing all about this goldmine on THIS website? GIRLS – think “DATE NIGHT“!!  We are going to help you look and feel your very best, not only for date night, but EVERY day! Your husband won’t know what HIT you!  

Let’s back up for a minute here. A few months ago, I decided I wanted to TRULY learn more about make-up. I have always been a girly-girl… I’ve always loved fashion, clothing, jewelry, makeup, and getting all dolled up. I’d tried plenty of different brands and types of makeup… but I never felt like I had quite caught the hang of it. And then I saw THIS on Pinterest…

Say WHHHAAATTTT? I couldn’t believe it was the same girl! She looks great in both her before and after, but the difference was almost unrealistic… and it was all due to makeup & how it was applied! No camera tricks! I was completely in awe. I read that entire post & then spend quite a while exploring this fantastic website called… MASKCARA This website is run by a gorgeous gal named Cara. Not only is she a talented makeup artist sharing her WEALTH of knowledge with the world… but she truly believes that there is beauty in every person & makeup should be used to enhance what you have, instead of covering everything up. She pretty much lives by this motto…

I LOVED this post in which she pretty much shares her mission statement. You can’t help but fall in LOVE with her! The person behind this blog isn’t a celebrity make-up artist {..yet…} or someone who you wouldn’t be able to connect with. Cara is a complete sweetheart, with a GIANT heart, a positive outlook on life, and talents that she is willing to share with all of us. In other words, you will totally be able to connect with her as she passes along beauty tips in a way that we can ALL understand. Wanna know the BEST part about all of this? She and her darling little family recently moved to Vegas, yeppers, MY current stomping grounds!! I about died when I found out her hubs was a golfer.. just like MINE! We have a ton in common. We’ve hung out a few times, our husbands have been golfing a bunch together, and I am SO excited to tell all of you that we will be partnering up to do a fun series with Maskcara this coming summer! {Details coming soon…} OH – and I should mention that she recently won the title of “Allure Blogger of the Year“! TEN top makeup bloggers, five weeks of challenges.. not only did she win the entire competition, but she won EVERY challenge!! Told ya she was talented! Now, let’s jump into some of my ABSOLUTE FAVS on her site! I can’t WAIT to share them with you. Are you ready!?!? You should probably sit down, this will take a while, as you are soon to become addicted to MY new fav site! {Click on the titles OR the links in the blurbs to get to these fab posts!}  How to Highlight & Contour Like A Pro

This is one of my all-time favorite posts of Cara’s!  It was the first one I explored & tried after initially finding her site. You know how the light always seems to hit the faces of celebrities just right? They don’t have any magical secrets {contrary to popular belief}…  it’s all about highlighting & contouring! I had NO clue what those words meant until I watched her video. I learned a lot of great tips from my extremely talented friend, Alyssa, which helped get me started… and then I felt I had attended a “Makeup 101” class after THIS video! The first time I tried it, my jaw dropped. I think most of us are all about covering our faces – covering up those blemishes, scars, freckles, or whatever it is that we don’t like. The result is a FLAT face that is all one color. This fab tutorial teaches you how to put the color on your face in ALL the right places. The result is quite stunning! The Most Common Beauty Blunders

GASP!  Can you believe this is the same gal, same day, UNEDITED?? I love that Cara shows off common beauty blunders.. and then shows you how to fix each one. The image on the left is the perfect example of what women do when they slather one color of foundation all over their faces. I honestly think I have made half of these mistakes in my lifetime! Check it out to see which ones you may unknowingly be doing! I also LOVE that she shares what you SHOULD do… walking you through how to avoid each beauty blunder!   Mommy Makeup {In Less Than 5 Minutes}

You may be thinking, “I am SO busy!! I just don’t have time to spend in the morning to get ready!” Maskcara’s got your back! She shows you how to apply makeup in LESS than 5 minutes!! I love that she also shows you her tools to keep the little munchkin entertained while she quickly applied her makeup. WINK! Most of us are busy moms & wives… and maybe even business-women. There is always something to do, something to check off our list, someone waiting on US. We need to make sure we slow down a little each day & focus on ourselves. Taking a few minutes each morning to get ready for the day so YOU feel great about yourself – definitely a necessity! Age Is Beauty 

At this point, if you are discouraged thinking that ALL of these posts are geared toward women in their 20’s & 30’s – think again! Women are beautiful at ANY age, and Maskcara shows you how to bring that beauty out by using her lovely 60-year-old mother as the model. Plenty of tips and tricks in this post to help women age gracefully, and feel their best no matter how many wrinkles AKA love lines they have. I even referred MY cute mother to this post! An, ahem… I’ve tried a few of the tricks as well. I’m not getting any younger! Date Night Make-Up {Smokey Eye Included!}

WHOOT, WOOT!  Here is the post you have been waiting for! I know I always want to look my best for my hot hubby, but date night is something we look forward to & I like to take extra care when getting ready for those fun nights. Gotta make sure those baby blues of his are glued to yours all night, right???  Ok, ok – seriously now, this post is muah bueno! We did a smoky eye tutorial on our site a while back, but this baby is a video tutorial – so it truly spells it out for you along with the rest of the face!   A Few Of Victoria’s BEST Kept Secrets

Once you’ve mastered the basics of applying makeup and are feeling pretty confident in your highlighting & contouring skills… you can dive into the “special occasion” stuff!  Cara put this great post together exposing Victoria Secret’s Best Kept Secrets! She spills the beans from your head to your toes! This wouldn’t be something you would do every day – but definitely for those EXTRA-special nights out-on-the-town!   Do you just adore this girl, or what?!? We can’t WAIT to share what we have up our sleeves – your two NEW favorite websites will be combining forces to bring you something awesome! MWAH!

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