Where do you go when you eat out on vacation?

84% Eat at where the locals eat, while 9% seek out fine dining whenever possible. 3% opt for an all-inclusive resort so they don’t have to think about it, 2% look for a recognizable chain restaurant, and 2% go the adventurous route, grabbing something from a street cart.

What continent do you spend most vacations on?

What’s one lesson you’ve learned about vacations from your personal experience?

• “No vacation is perfect. Vacation disasters make wonderful stories about grit and survival.” • “Party all the time.” • “Never stick to a plan. Be flexible—the most wonderful things can happen.” • “99% of the people you encounter  are kind, friendly, and ready to help.” • “I won’t necessarily be more rested upon my return.” • “YOU CAN’T CONTROL THE WEATHER!”

How many bags do you pack when you go on vacation?

52% Pack light, but ready for anything, with two bags. 36% go for three bags, packing a few extra items just in case. 9% choose the way of the backpacker, bringing just one bag, and 3% pack four or more, so they have all their stuff with them—useful if you fall in love with your vacation destination and decide never to return home.

How many vacations do you take per year?

Average 2.3

What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you on vacation?

• “Finding a pile of acorns and nuts in my bed. I was in Yosemite and the squirrels apparently thought it was a good storage place :-).” • “Walking through a field of sea iguanas.” • “After being robbed at gunpoint in Mexico, the robbers gave me just enough money to get back to the US.” • “My six-year-old son discovering the bidet in Japan.” • “Being picked up by a garbage truck on a Sunday because the mass transit was not running.” • “You don’t want to know.”