Take time to slow down and wholeheartedly savor with these three practices:

First, allow yourself to fully experience the present moment.

When we let go of the “stressing-out” aspect of figuring out travel schedules, worrying about making holiday dinners, or accomplishing anything else in particular, we can glimpse the ease of being (rather than doing) that’s available to us all. Listen to this 7-minute guided meditation on shifting from doing toward being.

Next, focus on what you’re doing right now.

“Just do one thing at a time” is one of those wise things we’ll say lovingly to our friends and relatives, often without following our own advice. Learn how to consciously single-task with the practice of Notice, Shift, Rewire.

Then, check in on how you’re really feeling.

You don’t have to be a writer to benefit from a mindful writing exercise. It not only gives you a chance to slow down both mind and body, but it lets you ask yourself honestly what you are feeling, what you need to express, in this moment that is entirely for you. Give yourself the gift of slow self-care with this simple, 5-step mindful writing practice. Looking for more helpful tips and mindfulness meditation practices? Join us at mindful.org/newsletter.