Oh tax season… how I both love and loathe you. Cons: Money stress Pros: Tax refunds! For the first 5 years of adulthood I owed the government every year! I don’t know how or why, but getting married changed my view on taxes. For the first time in my life I actually got a return… well WE got a return. Being the pragmatic person I am, I convinced the husband to put the large majority of the tax refund towards our car payment, instead of something fun…{though really, what’s more fun than paying down debt?!} However, I did feel like he needed to know how much I appreciated him and his willingness to do the taxes every year… and put them towards the car… And this is what inspired the  Love Tax Refund.

This is the perfect thing to add a little love to what can otherwise be a stressful day. Crystal Nale from A Well Feathered Nest created the cutest tax form I’ve ever seen!

This was so much fun to put together for my honey. First, fill out the form and “check” to pay back all that love. This is a perfect invite to a sweet date night to relax after stressing about taxes. In exchange for the 365 days of being deliriously, happily married, 1 evening of love. 

Sign and date your line, then fold it up to be included in your return envelope.  Now let’s make that envelope! This is a very believable envelope from the Marital Revenue Service 😉 Time to cash in on that love! 

I like using a paper cutter to keep my lines nice and straight. The cross lines on the blade also help with those tricky corners. The dotted lines are folding guides. I used double sided tape to get mine together, but glue dots, rubber cement, or good ‘ole Elmer’s would work too. 

Now, fill out your return check. If you have a specific location in mind for the upcoming evening of love, the memo would be a great place in which to write it!  Put it all together and deliver to your honey! Checking the mail is a daily ritual for my husband, so I’m sneaking mine into the mail box before he makes his 4:00 trip. 

I’m planning on taking the hubs to a well deserved dinner and dessert – but not until he signs the agreement for 365 more days of love! 

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